The affordable housing leader

There at the inception of LIHTC and on through today’s evolving needs and challenges, CohnReznick has the nation’s most experienced, well-versed and well-connected team in the nation. Through our foundational experience, we know where challenges exist and how to overcome them, how to keep your business running smoothly and, we help to lead advocacy for affordable housing in America. With more than 75 dedicated partners, we offer clients tailored, industry relevant solutions across the country serving developers, syndicators/investors, and public entities.

Immersive solutions

With rule changes across the states and national legislative changes, getting tax credit allocations, rising costs and other challenges, developers and investors rely on our trusted strength. Well-versed in the industry to help navigate the complexities of developing affordable housing, our decades of experience and deep understanding of program sensitivities yields creative, smart solutions. We identify hurdles, reveal opportunities and help you avoid costly roadblocks with our scalable solutions to support your business goals.

infographic explaining different stages in affordable housing construction planning and related financials

Foundational insight

Embedded into the foundation of the affordable housing industry, CohnReznick continues to help clients through all manner of change. We have seen more and delivered more than anyone else while helping shape the industry’s policies, analyze industry trends, connect its people, and implement best-practice solutions.

• We work with more than 1,000 developers and 150-plus not-for-profit developers annually.

• Offer the industry the ability to track and interact with affordable housing data including tax credit pricing, housing performance and more through our Tax Credit Investment Services and the CRedit Tool.”

Community connected

Our legacy is one of developing coalitions and finding ways for members in the industry to talk to each other. This spirit continues today and is another example of CohnReznick’s leadership. We author thought leadership on numerous ongoing issues, publish credit pricing updates, and develop original analysis on operational and performance trends. We have a presence on Capitol Hill, throughout the investor and syndicator community, and garner perspectives and insight from developers large and small.

We support and are actively involved in more than 70 national, state, and local housing-related organizations.
We speak at and attend more than 200 events a year.
We maintain a full-time registered lobbyist/advocate to further educate lawmakers on housing-related issues.
We were a key voice that restored the Historic Tax Credit and tax-exempt bonds into the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.
We currently are active on the Hill to help expand the housing tax credit program.
We developed a national organization, Council for Independent State Housing Associations (CISHA), to foster communication between and among the country’s state housing coalitions.
We author bimonthly tax credit pricing updates and annual performance trends.

Get in touch with our specialists

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beth mullen

Beth Mullen

CPA, Partner, Affordable Housing Industry Leader

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