Ryan Mills
CPA, Partner, Office Managing Partner - Atlanta

Ryan Mills, CPA, is the Office Managing Partner in CohnReznick’s Atlanta office and a member of the firm’s Assurance Practice. Ryan has provided accounting services for a variety of clients in the real estate industry, as well as real estate clients in the non-profit sector.  These services include financial statement audits, the evaluation of internal controls, keeping clients updated on government required standards, and various agreed-upon procedures engagements.

Ryan is responsible for providing audit and consulting services to real estate clients in the commercial real estate arena, as well as to clients that have received federally sourced funds.  He is also responsible for providing audit services to various public housing authorities and development authorities.  Ryan is responsible for working effectively with audit staff in the areas of training, supervising, and reviewing their work.  Throughout these engagements, he has shown effective communication with the clients not only in order to carry out his duties, but also to provide suggestions on how to improve client operations.



BS, Accounting, University of Florida

MAcc, Accounting, University of Florida

Professional Affiliations

America Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Georgia State Society of Certified Public Accountants

Real Estate Group of Atlanta (REGA)

Urban Land Institute


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